Hello, August! Soak in the last rays of the school-free summer sun with your #WellTraveledFamily by checking out our A-Z Challenge, O-R edition. Whether you're headed across the Atlantic or just driving down the Pacific, there's no reason you can't make the most of the rest of your summer! O IS ... Read More about A-Z #WellTraveledFamily Challenge: O-R Roundup
A-Z #WellTraveledFamily Challenge: M is for Museum with Samantha Brown
School may be in session soon, but there's still time to enjoy summer and get a little dose of learning while you're at it. This week we celebrate our A-Z #welltraveledfamily challenge with M is for museums. Whether you're checking out great art, running science experiments, or ... Read More about A-Z #WellTraveledFamily Challenge: M is for Museum with Samantha Brown
#WellTraveledFamily Friday Q&A: Travel Channel’s Samantha Brown
.... This week, we're so excited to have expert advice from travel aficionado and Travel Channel mainstay, Samantha Brown. She's been traveling around the world for the Travel Channel for the past 12 years, and has visited more than 49 countries in her travels. As a new mom of ... Read More about #WellTraveledFamily Friday Q&A: Travel Channel’s Samantha Brown
Hip Portland hotels: Make Family-friendly Hotel Monaco home base
Disclosure: We were hosted guests and received complimentary accommodations during our visit to The Hotel Monaco Portland, but were not required to express any opinions or write about our visit. As always, any opinions expressed here are our own. I love Portland Oregon and Portland hotels. This ... Read More about Hip Portland hotels: Make Family-friendly Hotel Monaco home base
A-Z #WellTraveledFamily Challenge: K-N Roundup
Can you believe we're nearing the end of July? How is your family enjoying the A-Z #WellTraveledFamily Challenge? The Hip Travel Mama has been hard at work (and play!) to bring you the best activities for your family this Summer. We're thrilled to share K-N of our #WellTraveledFamily Challenge and ... Read More about A-Z #WellTraveledFamily Challenge: K-N Roundup