I’m proud to announce that Hip Travel Mama has joined a great new site called BestFamilyTravelAdvice.com, that brings the best-of-the-best family travel experts and their seasoned advice together to help answer your burning family travel questions. While there are so many GREAT blogs out there and other talented writers that offer family travel advice (here’s a comprehensive list), these smart, savvy women share a passion for their families and a fire in their belly for helping you get the most out of traveling with your family and I’m proud to be a part of this journey with them.
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost exactly a year since I met and shared a meal (and a few cocktails) with these amazing women in Chicago during BlogHer and TBEX. Although we had just met, I felt an instant connection with them as we talked for hours about two of our biggest loves – our family and travel. While we all have our unique style of travel and interests, we share a deep passion for sharing our experiences with others and helping encourage other families to explore and share the world with their kids.
Cheers to Amie O’Shaughnessy, founder of CiaoBambino, Mara Gorman, MotherofAllTrips and Michelle Duffy, Wandermom, for that inspiring evening sharing beers and stories of our families and dreams. I’m lucky to have several of these amazing travel women and other great travel writers, bloggers, right in my backyard of Seattle, including Debbie Dubrow, DeliciousBaby, Michelle Duffy, Wandermom and Pam Mandel of NerdsEyeView.
I encourage you to visit BestFamilyTravelAdvice.com, post a family travel question or two you have been dying to ask about an upcoming trip, get an answer about a place you’ve always wanted to visit but were afraid to go with your family. In the spirit of Follow Friday on Twitter, where I first connected with these women, I’d also encourage you to follow their individual work. Here are some quick links to their sites and where to find them in the social media world.
Safe Travels.
Anne Taylor Hartzell, founder HipTravelMama
Follow us: @hiptravelmama
Fan us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/hiptravelmama
Follow Some of The Best Family Travel Advice Experts:
- Wandermom: @wandermom www.facebook.com/wandermom
- Ciao Bambino: @ciaobambino www.facebook.com/ciaobambino
- The Mother of All Trips: @motherofalltrip www.facebook.com/motherofalltrips
- The Vacation Gals: @thevacationgals http://www.facebook.com/thevacationgals
- NYCityMama: @nycitymama www.facebook.com/nycitymama
- Delicious Baby: @deliciousbaby www.facebook.com/deliciousbaby
- Backpack To Buggy: @backpacktobuggy
- Travels With Children: @minnemom www.facebook.com/minnemom
- The Travel Mama: @travelmamas www.facebook.com/travelmamas
- Have Baby Will Travel: @hvbabywilltrvl www.facebook.com/HaveBabyWillTravel
- Travel Savvy Mom: @TravelSavvyMom www.facebook.com/travelsavvymom
- Hip Travel Mama: @hiptravelmama www.facebook.com/hiptravelmama
- Pit Stops for Kids: @pitstopsforkids www.facebook.com/pitstopsforkids