I will always be a mama. But I’m also a wife, a business owner, a daughter, a sister, a friend. These people in my life and parts of me deserve equal nourishment. We know you crave that too.
My kids are growing up and so am I. I’m learning how to practice better self care, nourish my spirit and reinvest in my health, my interests, my spouse and my relationships.
This new site is a reflection of this new growth. Most of the trips I’ve shared over the last eight years on this blog have been about traveling with kids. While family comes first, we have had our fair share of travel adventures as a couple and with friends. It has been so soul filling. I needed a space to talk about these too. And to talk about the space in between trips that is real life.
The good stuff, the messy stuff, the pursuit of our dreams and the real hard work of raising a family today and trying to pursue our dreams in the margins. The FOMO (fear of missing out) that occurs from checking Facebook too much. A place to share the stories and people that inspire me in my real life. A place to share what I’m thinking, reading and listening to that is inspiring me. All of this is part of a life well lived. And the stuff that matters most.
My hope is that this new site will bring you all of the same joy and inspiration to travel the world with your kids. To develop culturally aware and compassionate citizens of this world. It is needed now more than ever. I also want bring you a new sense of hope. Hope that you have a tribe of like-minded parents who are cheering you on. A place where you can come to get inspired and go forth and find your true north. This, is mine.